Did two of my own blogposts today- "Clearing Sluggish Energy" 2-18-14 and "Clearing Your House" 11-12-13.
They worked! Ready for the summer ( except for the construction).
Went swimming and got into two books.
"Things a Little Bird Told Me" by Biz Stone, co-founder of Twitter is inspiring- a great read- he is hilarious.
"My Wish List" by Gregoire Delacourt translated from the French, is a thought-provoking, poignant short book. Both great summer reading.
Another thing on my agenda is getting rid of things in the house we don't need. The last time I went through this process I caught myself simply moving things from one spot to another.
Whoa! Stop! Throw that stuff out or give it away- that's the only way to create more space in your life (physically and mentally).
I'll let you know how it goes this time.
More meditations coming soon. - Lia
P.S. Just finished "The Memory of Love" by Linda Olsson- what a beautiful book - challenging in a good way-I highly recommend it!