Monday, August 10, 2020
Lockdown Making You Crazy?
Hello! I wonder if some of you have started to notice what I have during this stay-at-home/lockdown of many parts of our society.
Memories, regrets, ocurrences you forgot are all sort of rising to the surface of your consciousness. This can be at any time of the day or night.
Sometimes they just pop up. Other times there is a slow kind of sneaking up on you.
It is kind of uncomfortable. Not like , "Oh, good, here I am in therapy and I get to do a rousing life review and really clean out my energy centers."
No, this is like part of your past looking in your window and knocking on the not- too- clean glass and saying, "Hey, remember me?"
So, in trying to acknowlege this phenomenon, I came up with a meditation to help.
It would be great to just shove that stuff back down and forget about it, but it seems with too much time on our hands, these things creep back. I know, sounds like a horror movie!
I am not saying there are not good thoughts and experiences too, but all this is a little overwhelming at times, and I would like to process and move on!
So, to begin, breathe. Breathe deeply, drinking in the air, holding it a few seconds, then releasing, whoosh! on the outflow
You can even do this standing up if you wish, moving in whatever way feels good to you, as a kind of warm up and relaxing exercise.
When you feel ready, sit or lie down in a place you feel very comfortable.
Close your eyes and begin to slow your breathing. Slower now, becoming calm, and calmer still.
Now go to the inner layer of your aura and breathe, letting whatever needs to come up from your early childhood. You probably will remember many things-take your time-interactions with siblings, feelings about your parents, the environment of your home.
Let it come up through the template of your body, rising up out of you.
Take a look at it, with no effort, and then release.Give these memories the freedom to go on their way, like a cloud that came from inside, hovering above you for a few minutes and then floating away on the wind. Breathe. Deep breath.
Breathe again and let another layer become activated,say,the teenage years. Let the memories, the atmosphere come.Allow yourself to say things to people in those times if you need to.Then watch the cloud gather above you, floating higher and release. Breathe.
Settling down again, let early adulthood come up. Lots of material here. Participate as if you are standing outside the situation.They can't see you but can hear you. Say what you want to, good or bad. See the cloud and let it go...
As you lie there, keep releasing. You don't have to know what time period, could be yesterday!, what a relief! See your body and your mind becoming lighter, freer and more open
Imagine the sun's warmth beaming over your body, healing all of your cells. Bring in a cool breeze to enliven your energy centers and give you a boost.
Relax and picture yourself feeling good, having a wonderful day .I hope you can now move forward with your life with more energy and creativity. Namaste, Lia
Saturday, March 21, 2020
I'd love to change the world
I'd love to change the world,
But I don't know what to do,
So I leave it up to you- Ten Years After (rock group)
A friend of mine asked me to write a meditation for this time. I'm sure a lot of people are doing the same, thank goodness. This is my version.
Find a place where you won't be disturbed. Ground and begin to breathe. Deep breaths at first, then slowing to a more natural pace.
Bring earth energy into your feet and legs, then all the way up your spine to the top of your head. Let it flow back down the front of your body and into the earth.
Use your breath as a pump, releasing on the outbreath.
Begin to release fear from your body.
Release fear from your first chakra at the base of your spine, release fear from your belly, from your solar plexus. Release fear from your heart ( big breath here).
Release from your throat, relaxing your jaw. Relax the area around your eyes. And finally release from your forehead area and your brain. Breathe.
You feel lighter, having released so much that you don't need.
Now, open your seventh chakra at the top of your head and let Light from above pour into your body, rushing in like a river of light, healing the sore, beat up places, healing the uncertainty and doubt. No effort here, just let the Light flow in.
Let it enter your bloodstream, healing your cells and strengthening their functions.
When you are filled from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head, let the llight spill over into your aura, repairing any rips or tears, forming a protective shield around your body.
Sit for awhile, more calm, more relaxed than you have been . Breathe.
Begin to visualize a huge cup or chalice in front of you. Let light into your crown chakra and let it flow out your heart chakra, filling the cup. Light from above also flows into the chalice, until it spills over, covering the whole earth and her people, acting as a balm, soothing the fear.
Now,visualize the image you have of this virus ( they show it enough on the news programs, jeez). See it dissolving, coming apart, dissolving, dissolving, until there is no image left, any residual falling like dust into the earth to be completely neutralized.
Begin to see the earth without this pandemic. People gathering once again, going to their jobs, participating in society, mindful of the lessons we may have learned from this crisis.
Open your heart to gratitude. Let in a little joy again.
Still running Light through your heart, send healing and protection to your immeditate family, and to the larger family of humanity, and to the Earth Herself.
Thank you for participating. I hope this helps with your personal health and the health of the planet.
Namaste, Lia
But I don't know what to do,
So I leave it up to you- Ten Years After (rock group)
A friend of mine asked me to write a meditation for this time. I'm sure a lot of people are doing the same, thank goodness. This is my version.
Find a place where you won't be disturbed. Ground and begin to breathe. Deep breaths at first, then slowing to a more natural pace.
Bring earth energy into your feet and legs, then all the way up your spine to the top of your head. Let it flow back down the front of your body and into the earth.
Use your breath as a pump, releasing on the outbreath.
Begin to release fear from your body.
Release fear from your first chakra at the base of your spine, release fear from your belly, from your solar plexus. Release fear from your heart ( big breath here).
Release from your throat, relaxing your jaw. Relax the area around your eyes. And finally release from your forehead area and your brain. Breathe.
You feel lighter, having released so much that you don't need.
Now, open your seventh chakra at the top of your head and let Light from above pour into your body, rushing in like a river of light, healing the sore, beat up places, healing the uncertainty and doubt. No effort here, just let the Light flow in.
Let it enter your bloodstream, healing your cells and strengthening their functions.
When you are filled from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head, let the llight spill over into your aura, repairing any rips or tears, forming a protective shield around your body.
Sit for awhile, more calm, more relaxed than you have been . Breathe.
Begin to visualize a huge cup or chalice in front of you. Let light into your crown chakra and let it flow out your heart chakra, filling the cup. Light from above also flows into the chalice, until it spills over, covering the whole earth and her people, acting as a balm, soothing the fear.
Now,visualize the image you have of this virus ( they show it enough on the news programs, jeez). See it dissolving, coming apart, dissolving, dissolving, until there is no image left, any residual falling like dust into the earth to be completely neutralized.
Begin to see the earth without this pandemic. People gathering once again, going to their jobs, participating in society, mindful of the lessons we may have learned from this crisis.
Open your heart to gratitude. Let in a little joy again.
Still running Light through your heart, send healing and protection to your immeditate family, and to the larger family of humanity, and to the Earth Herself.
Thank you for participating. I hope this helps with your personal health and the health of the planet.
Namaste, Lia
Saturday, February 15, 2020
"I hate you," I screamed.
As soon as I said it, I knew it was wrong.
The nurse said, "Your mother will have to leave if you can't settle down."
Oh, no! That's the last thing I wanted. I was pounding my legs with my fists because they hurt so much. At age five, I didn't know what was going on.
One day a man in a white hospital mask came in.
"Don't be afraid, I am Reverend Crozier from your church. You know me, don't you ?"
Yes, I nodded.
" I have come to pray with you and ask the Lord to help you get better."
He put his hand upon my head and said some words in his beautiful deep voice.
" Do you know how to pray?"
Yes. We said The Lord's Prayer together.
He looked just like Michael Rennie. I knew this because I watched countless old movies on the TV on Saturdays.
The thought crossed my mind, "Does this mean I am going to die? Is it just like the people in the movies receiving last rites from the priest?"
But no, I survived. What I mostly remember about Reverend Byron Crozier is the depth of his faith and his belief in his prayer for me- so sweet and profound-Thank you.
I still pray, too. Meditation is prayer of a sort. I slow down my breathing, and open to any messages about my life or how to be a better person. I ask for healing for those I know who are ill. I give thanks for the life and relationships I have.
I wonder if people who have never had any religious instruction pray. I think they do.
Prayer opens us up to the sacredness of life and helps us think of the other person. We are reminded how lucky we are, and how beautiful the world can be.
Many things conspire to make us who we are. If we bring a little consciousness to the process so much the better, whatever religion we follow or don't follow.
And someday I will die, the energy scattering across the universe, becoming a dazzle of light on the water, the wind that hurries the clouds across the sky, and hopefully, part of the sweetness that will live on in my children and grandchildren.
Namaste, Lia
As soon as I said it, I knew it was wrong.
The nurse said, "Your mother will have to leave if you can't settle down."
Oh, no! That's the last thing I wanted. I was pounding my legs with my fists because they hurt so much. At age five, I didn't know what was going on.
One day a man in a white hospital mask came in.
"Don't be afraid, I am Reverend Crozier from your church. You know me, don't you ?"
Yes, I nodded.
" I have come to pray with you and ask the Lord to help you get better."
He put his hand upon my head and said some words in his beautiful deep voice.
" Do you know how to pray?"
Yes. We said The Lord's Prayer together.
He looked just like Michael Rennie. I knew this because I watched countless old movies on the TV on Saturdays.
The thought crossed my mind, "Does this mean I am going to die? Is it just like the people in the movies receiving last rites from the priest?"
But no, I survived. What I mostly remember about Reverend Byron Crozier is the depth of his faith and his belief in his prayer for me- so sweet and profound-Thank you.
I still pray, too. Meditation is prayer of a sort. I slow down my breathing, and open to any messages about my life or how to be a better person. I ask for healing for those I know who are ill. I give thanks for the life and relationships I have.
I wonder if people who have never had any religious instruction pray. I think they do.
Prayer opens us up to the sacredness of life and helps us think of the other person. We are reminded how lucky we are, and how beautiful the world can be.
Many things conspire to make us who we are. If we bring a little consciousness to the process so much the better, whatever religion we follow or don't follow.
And someday I will die, the energy scattering across the universe, becoming a dazzle of light on the water, the wind that hurries the clouds across the sky, and hopefully, part of the sweetness that will live on in my children and grandchildren.
Namaste, Lia
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