I'd love to change the world,
But I don't know what to do,
So I leave it up to you- Ten Years After (rock group)
A friend of mine asked me to write a meditation for this time. I'm sure a lot of people are doing the same, thank goodness. This is my version.
Find a place where you won't be disturbed. Ground and begin to breathe. Deep breaths at first, then slowing to a more natural pace.
Bring earth energy into your feet and legs, then all the way up your spine to the top of your head. Let it flow back down the front of your body and into the earth.
Use your breath as a pump, releasing on the outbreath.
Begin to release fear from your body.
Release fear from your first chakra at the base of your spine, release fear from your belly, from your solar plexus. Release fear from your heart ( big breath here).
Release from your throat, relaxing your jaw. Relax the area around your eyes. And finally release from your forehead area and your brain. Breathe.
You feel lighter, having released so much that you don't need.
Now, open your seventh chakra at the top of your head and let Light from above pour into your body, rushing in like a river of light, healing the sore, beat up places, healing the uncertainty and doubt. No effort here, just let the Light flow in.
Let it enter your bloodstream, healing your cells and strengthening their functions.
When you are filled from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head, let the llight spill over into your aura, repairing any rips or tears, forming a protective shield around your body.
Sit for awhile, more calm, more relaxed than you have been . Breathe.
Begin to visualize a huge cup or chalice in front of you. Let light into your crown chakra and let it flow out your heart chakra, filling the cup. Light from above also flows into the chalice, until it spills over, covering the whole earth and her people, acting as a balm, soothing the fear.
Now,visualize the image you have of this virus ( they show it enough on the news programs, jeez). See it dissolving, coming apart, dissolving, dissolving, until there is no image left, any residual falling like dust into the earth to be completely neutralized.
Begin to see the earth without this pandemic. People gathering once again, going to their jobs, participating in society, mindful of the lessons we may have learned from this crisis.
Open your heart to gratitude. Let in a little joy again.
Still running Light through your heart, send healing and protection to your immeditate family, and to the larger family of humanity, and to the Earth Herself.
Thank you for participating. I hope this helps with your personal health and the health of the planet.
Namaste, Lia