Thursday, April 11, 2013

Why did I start this?

One of the reasons I started is to make it possible for anyone to start their own meditation group.  It works like this:

Set a date at someone's house, in a quiet room with little distraction.

Begin with the first chakra meditation the first week.

Then choose any one of the other meditations.

At some point do the second chakra meditation, then finish up with the other selections.  There are enough meditations available for download at  for an 8-week class.  Or you could divide it up into two 4-week sessions.

After a break, you could continue by taking turns bringing in other material- experiment!

You could also order cds at or

Each meeting, start by breathing, becoming quiet, letting go of your day.  Then do the main meditation.  End with a healing circle if you wish and/or, for those who want to share, discuss what happened for you.

I would recommend writing down  your experience  when  you get home.  You may want to look back and keeping a journal is a great way to do this.

Alot of deepening can happen in a few weeks and meditating in a small  group  magnifies the energy.  You can also choose to do the series by yourself.

This kind of meditation is really like "mind yoga" - you become familiar with your own energy and then can work with it to enrich your life.

So, happy journeying - see you next blog with more techniques you can use right now- 

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