Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Little Business News

As I write these posts, I hope many people benefit from them.

Those sitting at their desks needing a reset during the day, therapists needing a jumping off point with their clients, individuals working on their own energy.

Scan the list and return to a favorite meditation. Start using the techniques a couple times a week.  It will help you " go with the flow" of your life.

Feel free to email me or write a comment- I will get back to you.

All are free for you to use, just please refer to website or if you are using them in a professional setting.

I have started to post some of the full meditations I would do in my class( see Chakra Meditation).  When you see this symbol


It means to take quite a few minutes to stay in that place, being quiet and receiving information for yourself.  Then move on when you are ready.

For schools that are interested in meditation, you can find cds for young children and teens at

I  would like to mention  there is a free meditation for download at I wrote it for college students, but after the first few sentences, it is excellent for anyone. This way you can get the benefit of listening without reading, letting my voice take you deep into the meditation.  Try it!

So, til next time-Lia


  1. More meditations for download available at on the
    products page.
