Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Serious sludge

If you feel you have serious sludge holding you back from accomplishing what you want to in your life, then serious measures can be taken.

When your aura is barely moving and you can't think straight, it's time.

I must stress that this is creative visualization at its most fanciful perhaps, but it can work.

We will use an imaginary object.  You can go on a search for your ethereal object by taking a journey in your mind to a favorite place or power spot.  By using your intention, you will find it.

It could be a magic wand, a wizard's staff, or like mine, a sword.

I often forget about it,but when I really need it, I remember I have a sword and I know how to  use  it.

When you find yourself with sludge, you can cleanse it.

I do this standing, moving my arms as if I am holding the sword.
You can do it this way, or do it in your meditative state.

I start cutting away all the cords around my body.  Cords from the past,  the long ago past and the recent past.

Don't worry, if you really need them, they will come back, but it is such a relief to be free of them, even for one day.

Move all around your aura,  front, sides and back. Watch them drop away.

Then ( this is just my way) I place the sword in each chakra and watch the sludge drain out.  Sixth chakra- forehead, fifth chakra-throat, fourth- heart, third- solar plexus, second- belly and first- base of spine.  I then brush off any leftover residue down my arms and legs and whisk away energy that is blocking my eyesight.

Taking my sword, I open up the energy a few feet above my head, reclaiming the pathway to my Source.

Let the light come pouring in, soothing you, clarifying you, filling every cell with healing, wholeness and a sense of your true self.
Take some time with this.


Ahhhhh, that feels good.  Remember, the light is always there. We just have to put ourselves in a state to receive it once again.

Your vision will be clearer. You will be centered and grounded, ready to move forward with your life again.

So, even though this exercise may sound a little out there, I find it very effective at certain times.

Namaste- Lia

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